Experience the Cloud-Like Comfort with Onkumo: A Behind-the-Scenes Story

Experience the Cloud-Like Comfort with Onkumo: A Behind-the-Scenes Story

Our Story

onkumo: Crafting the Clouds' Softness Into Our Products

Girl wrapped in Onkumo towel viewing a sunset

Onkumo was conceived out of an admiration for the softness and the serenity offered by the sky. Our aim is to encapsulate that ethereal comfort into our products

Origins of onkumo

Ever wondered what 'onkumo' means? Onkumo stands for 'on-kumo', where 'kumo' is the Japanese word for 'clouds'. Our name signifies our aspiration to create products that give you the feeling of being wrapped in clouds.

Girl on a beach with Onkumo towel

Our Philosophy

At onkumo, we believe in the power of comfort and relaxation. We strive to bring you the fluffiest, most luxurious products that will make you feel as though you're embraced by clouds. Our goal is to turn everyday essentials into an experience of unrivaled comfort and bliss.

Close up of towel texture and design

Our Journey

Creating the world's softest products hasn't been an easy journey, but each step along the way has been absolutely worth it. We continue to push the boundaries of what is possible to deliver nothing but the best to you. We hope you enjoy the onkumo experience as much as we've enjoyed bringing it to you.

Join us on this cloud-like adventure and treat yourself to the softest products in the world.